Rev Maeresera

Chitungwiza East Province

The Province covers the eastern part of the Chitungwiza Municipality which includes Seke Unit A to Unit P, Mayambara communal lands, the whole of Seke Communal Lands into parts of Chihota Communal Lands and resettlements.

Our prime objective is to be a united Province, working as a team towards the spiritual, numerical, financial, physical/structural and developmental growth of the AFM in Zimbabwe in our Province, and Assemblies and also as individuals and families.

The Province came into being in March 2009 when Mashonaland East Province was split as part of the vision of the AFM in Zimbabwe National Executive church expansion. The province currently has 25 Assemblies, 19 localised and 6 centralised assemblies with 28 Pastors. Adding the assembly membership statistics, Chitungwiza East Province has a membership of about 10000 members+/-.

Rev Maeresera

Provincial Overseer

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