Dr W Masinire


The Provincial offices are located at no 3201 Essex Road, corner Coolmoreen Road. The
provincial Conference Centre which is still being built is also located there. The province
borders Shurugwi, Tongogara, Chachacha, Lalapanzi, Lower Gweru, Somabhula and Zhaugwe

Midlands South Province was birthed from Midlands-Mashonaland West province which covered areas from as far as Kariba to Shurugwi.

Mashonaland West was decentralized and Midlands declared a province. Midlands Province
was further decentralized and gave birth to Midlands North (Kadoma and Chegutu)and Midlands
Provinces. Midlands province gave birth to Gokwe Province. Midlands was further divided into
two provinces, Midlands Central (Kwekwe) and Midlands South Provinces (Gweru-Shurugwi).
Midlands South Province then gave birth to Zvishavane, which is known as Midlands East
Province. (NB. Provinces delimited by AFM.)

The Province, which has the acronym, Midsouth, has seen notable pastors take their positions in
turn as leaders of this great province. Such noteworthy names which come to mind are Rev
Gwanzura, Rev M Guchutu and Rev C Choto and finally Rev M. Mapuranga

The province continues to grow numerically, spiritually and financially. The province has a
total of 37 assemblies. Only 4 of the assemblies defected with their pastors. The province has
26 localised assemblies and 11 centralized assemblies. Tithe performance has been resounding,
thanks to the teachings of the word and encouragement from pastors.

Provincial Overseer

Dr W Masinire

The Overseer Rev Dr. Wilson Masinire a graduate of Living Waters Bible College with a
diploma in 1991 and was ordained in 2001. He was the Provincial YPU leader for one term and
became the Provincial Secretary from 2009, a post he held until 2015 before becoming the
Provincial overseer. He is married to Mrs. Gladys Masinire and has three children. He holds a
Bachelor of Arts Degree and Masters Degree with Vision International (an affiliate of LWTS)
and PhD degree with Bay view University. He is a Marriage Officer since 1999, A Lecturer at
LWTS Azusa Theological College. He also lectured at Gweru Satellite College.

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