It is proud of producing great leaders in the likes of our own former late AFM President Rev J. Mvenge and many others.

The Province was born in the year 2009 as a segment of the then Manicaland Province (Region) which stood alone as the only Church Province of that time. The birth of the Province was solely as a result of the fast growing of the church in the entire region and was done in response to the AFM President’s national vision which aimed at preaching and spreading the word of God to all souls. The vision was also in line with the fulfilment of the great commission according to the word of God on _Mathew 28 vs 19-20_ which says “go ye therefore and teach all Nations and baptize them in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit”. The splitting of the big Province into 4 small independent Provinces was a positive move which saw church assemblies being established and to a large extent contributed immensely towards the fulfilment of the great commission and also accomplishing the AFM President’s vision and objective.

Geo-Set up

The Province is located in the Eastern region of the republic of Zimbabwe stretching from South to the North along the border. It shares common boundaries with Manicaland central in the North West, Manicaland South in the South west and Manicaland East in the South – East of Mutare CBD.

The Province covers part of Mutare urban and Rusape district up to Headlands, and stretches back up to the Mozambican border covering all areas such as Nyanga, Mutasa and Honde valley districts. It has got a total number of 43 assemblies all of which have got ordained pastors.

Rev Moyo

Provincial Overseer

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