The province stretches from Chikuti River in the eastern part of Karoi to Chirundu boarder post and Kariba in the West. It covers Hurungwe and Nyaminyami districts, which is Siakobvu, Bumi Hills and the fishing camps along the Zambezi River. It also covers Marongora and Mana Pools national parks, Karoi town, Magunje growth point and Kariba town including all the communal areas.

The province was born in September 2015 when it was split from Chinhoyi province following the vision of the then president of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe Doctor A. Madziyire.. It has a total membership of plus 4000 people. The province has two schools Chirundu secondary and primary schools located at Chirundu boarder post.

Rev Ruzvidzo

Provincial Overseer

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