Mashonaland Central Province was born in 1996 from the then Mashonaland Province.
The founding Overseer and Chairman became Rev Matafeni Shumbambiri who led for the Province up to the year 2006. Rev S Gwenzi was elected the succeeding overseer to the late Rev Shumbambiri, a position he still holds to date.
The thrust of the province is evangelism focusing on the urban communities which are densely populated. These communities are prone to evils associated culture mix and globalization.
The thrust of the province is evangelism focusing on the urban communities which are densely populated.
These communities are prone to evils associated culture mix and globalization. In Zimbabwe, the church plays a significant role in the livelihoods of the community through improved socialization, youth empowerment, counselling services and social corporate responsibility.
Mashonaland central Province was re-demarcated in 2013 giving birth to Mvurwi Province. By then the work had grown to accommodate 38 Ordained Pastors from 10 ordained pastors at the time of inception translating a 400% growth. This percentage growth prompted for a second delimitation which saw us retain 22 Pastors.
The new and current Mashonaland central Province is a stretch of over 280km due North from the National Defence College in Harare. This is where our Province’s peg beacon is, up to Mukumbura where Zimbabwe shares its border with Mozambique. From Mukumbura, we travel due East for around 170kms to Mazowe Bridge where we share boarders with Mashonaland North province. Our neighbouring Provinces are Mvurwi, Mashonaland North, Harare North and Harare South. Our capital town is Bindura which is a mining town. Mashonaland Central is almost 10% mining community and 90% rural and farming communities.
Rev Zvavahera
Provincial Overseer
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