Youth department

                                                                                                 Youth Department

Membership in the Youth Department is open to all church members aged between 18 and 40 years. The department’s objectives include:

  • Nurturing the spiritual gifts and talents of young individuals for service to the Lord.
  • Providing spiritual education and character formation according to the Word of God.
  • Mobilizing funds to support the department’s and the church’s objectives.
  • Establishing and managing AFM fellowship groups in educational institutions and schools nationwide.

                                                                                           Activities of the Department

The department organizes assembly, provincial, and national conferences, with annual conferences held in April at the Rufaro Conference Centre in Masvingo. Other activities include:

  • Youth leadership seminars
  • Presidential Sports Cups
  • Talent showcases
  • Youth Choral Competitions
  • Youth Business Dinners

                                                                                         National Youth Committee

  • Rev T Muroyiwa: National Youth Leader
  • Rev Gogwe: National Youth Secretary
  • Elder Ndlovu: National Youth Treasurer
  • Rev K Tashu: National Youth Committee Member
  • Rev B Mhandu: National Youth Committee Member

The Youth Department actively engages young church members, providing opportunities for spiritual growth, leadership development, and social interaction, thus contributing to the overall mission and objectives of the church.

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